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This article provides a point-by-point rebuttal for the arguments that Guerra & Orbea (2015) put forward in their article, "The Argument Against the Term 'Latinx'" (http://swarthmorephoenix.com/2015/11/19/the-argument-against-the-use-of-the-term-latinx/). They highlight the importance of recognizing intersectionality and inclusiveneses (particularly for people who are gender queer, gender fluid, or otherwise non-binary with regard to gender) and argue that use of the term "Latinx" allows for this inclusivity.
The brief video (about 7 min) depicts narratives of Asian Americans of varying ethnicities describing their personal experiences of racism, the model minority myth, what it means to be Asian American, and solidarity with other PoC in the fight against White supremacy. This is part of a larger short documentary series on race done by the NYTimes.
  1. A link with a reason why it is memorable.